Problems with the maintenance of the facility

In many cases, various specific problems occur during the maintenance of the facility, requiring individual treatment. Hence, in works related to the protection of monuments, there is a need to use various branches of science and technology.

Specific types of engineering and technical works include, among others, those, which are related to the issues of transferring or moving monuments in part or in whole.

Moving a monument or its valuable fragments outside a permanent place and surroundings consists in dismantling, and then reassembled accurately (assembly) using your own elements, in another place not historically related to the creation of the monument (for example. in museums, open-air museums). Such conservation measures are undertaken in cases of danger to the object, for example. as a result of sliding phenomena, the possibility of flooding in floodplains, etc., and in these cases, when the monuments were deliberately demolished, to protect them from extinction.

The displacement of the monument, in turn, consists in the displacement of (transfusion) entirely from the originally occupied space to others, located nearby. Relocation is usually undertaken when it is necessary to regulate urban arteries.

Moving and moving monuments requires extremely careful documentary preparation and precision of execution.

Transfer or relocation of monuments, as well as elements that are an inseparable part of them, in principle it is not acceptable, because the monument as a document of historical and cultural events is inviolable and therefore cannot be separated from the surroundings, in which it is located. The relocation or transfer of a monument can only be justified by particularly justified reasons.